Tag: water

Desoldering iphone 6 logicboard metal frames with Soldering helping hands 4X
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Google Pixel Water Test – Is it Water Resistant?
Is the Google Pixel Water Resistant? Discover out in this water abuse examination! WATER TEST UPDATE: https://youtu.be/80onI3tI9bw Enjoy Before you Buy: https://youtu.be/ksozRsuPUfE The Pixel has IP53 water resistance certification meaning it can hold up against SOME dirt and also dust, as well as water sprays approximately 60 levels off verticalRead More

What Happens if you Taser your Phone?
Because I enjoy you, I’m providing away a FREE Apple Watch Nobody actually does taser tests. This is the very first Samsung Galaxy S7 to ever before be tasered. Will the battery fee or will the phone impact up in my face? Win a Free Apple Watch Want this taser?Read More

What Happens if you Taser your Phone?
I’m providing away a FREE Apple Watch due to the fact that I like you No one truly does taser examinations. This is the first Samsung Galaxy S7 to ever before be tasered. Will the battery fee or will the phone impact up in my face? Win a Free AppleRead More

What makes the Galaxy S7 Waterproof? – Ultimate Test
Exactly how is the Samsung Galaxy S7 Water Resistant? What keeps the interior elements dry? In this video clip, I demonstrate how each part of the Galaxy S7 can remain completely dry when submerged under water. The billing port, the headphone jack, the power switch, all feasible access of waterRead More

Google Pixel: Teardown & Water Test Update!
Water test update: Taking apart the Pixel, repairing the camera, as well as putting it back with each other! Water Test: https://youtu.be/ObhMgCT-Rzw ENJOY BEFORE YOU BUY THE PIXEL: DEVICES: Suction mug: http://amzn.to/2evetVB Torx T5: http://amzn.to/2ed8Qbe Guitar choice: http://amzn.to/2exWBqq Hair Dryer: http://amzn.to/2el3b6E or Heat Gun: http://amzn.to/2eddCFO Pocket knife: http://amzn.to/2el4aE4 If youRead More

Dell XPS 18 in Portable All-in-One Tablet Teardown How to SSD Hard drive Upgrade Repair
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