Tag: samsung

The WAN Show – iPhone 7 is Fast! We Don’t Really Care? – September 16th 2016
Squarespace: http://squarespace.com/linus, supply code LINUS to conserve 10%. lynda.com: http://lynda.com/wanshow for a 10 day complimentary test Freshbooks: Head over to http://freshbooks.com/wan and remember to get in WAN in the “How Did You Hear About Us” section when authorizing up for your free trial. Online forum link: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/662086-september-16-2016-the-wan-show-document/ Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/thewanshow/fixed-2Read More

What is inside a fake chinese Iphone ?
Register for http://techmagnet.yt as well as make certain to activate notifications. , if you have problems feel free to sign up at http://www.china-devices.com and post a new thread with your issue! ! ITXtutor and Flokaheli came to be Techmagnet to supply information, testimonials and exciting stuff for a smart, linkedRead More

Fake iPhone 6s – What is inside? Is it dangerous? [4K]
Extra Teardown videos here +++ https://goo.gl/tbpjks +++. Check out a Fake Phone on AmazonUS: http://amzn.to/1l4pbQb. Have a look at a Fake Phone on AmazonDE: http://amzn.to/1ZjiJlV. Have a look at on AmazonUK: http://amzn.to/1ZjiQhv. Hi people and welcome to a new china phone video clip. Today I intend to dismantle this phonyRead More

Fake iPhone 6s – What is inside? Is it dangerous? [4K]
A lot more Teardown videos right here +++ https://goo.gl/tbpjks +++. Look into a Fake Phone on AmazonUS: http://amzn.to/1l4pbQb. Have a look at a Fake Phone on AmazonDE: http://amzn.to/1ZjiJlV. Look into on AmazonUK: http://amzn.to/1ZjiQhv. Hi guys and thanks for visiting a new china phone video. Today I want to dismantle thisRead More

iPhone 7 Plus review
The apple iphone 7 Plus is a modest upgrade, yet one that does enough to still thrill. The 7 Plus is the most costly apple iphone ever before. Is it a cost worth paying, or are you going to feel out of pocket? As we claimed in our iPhone 7Read More

Samsung Galaxy Note7 Teardown Review!
So far this year we’ve had both the Galaxy S7, and also the Galaxy S7 Edge on our teardown table. On the repairability side of points, both phones left us wanting more, scoring only a 3 from 10 on our repairability scale. Today we have their large sibling, the GalaxyRead More

We Take Apart A Brand brand-new IPhone 7 Plus!!! This is a repost of a tiity as well as company disintegrating the apple iphone 7 … We are the 6th reposter, but initially in Engrish! Make certain to ‘such as’ this video if it helped you out and always rememberRead More
iPhone 7 Plus review
The iPhone 7 Plus is a modest update, but one that does enough to still excite. The 7 Plus is the most expensive iPhone ever. So is it a price worth paying, or are you going to feel out of pocket? As we said in our iPhone 7 review, thereRead More