Tag: mac

iPhone 7 Plus – Review – TecMundo
CRÉDITOS Texto: Eduardo Harada Narração: Danilo Amoroso Gravação e edição de vídeo: Danilo Boros Edição de conteúdo: Gustavo Abrão, Wikerson Landim http://www.tecmundo.com.br/iphone-7-plus/112392-review-smartphone-apple-iphone-7-plus-video-analise-vale-a-pena-preco.htm :: http://www.tecmundo.com.br. :: http://www.baixaki.com.br.

iPad 3 Teardown Review
Happy New iPad Day! In this video clip we cover the greatest adjustments to the brand-new iPad, consisting of the fancy-pants 2048×1536 Retina Display, A5X system on a chip processor, upgraded 42.5 watt-hour battery and also 5 megapixel HD iSight camera. The real surprise is the uninspiring repairability score ofRead More

Mac Pro Teardown Review
Simply barely making their December release date, Apple has ultimately release the all brand-new Mac Pro! So if Santa was incredibly great to you, leaving you with an article Holiday surplus anywhere in the area of 3 to 11 thousands bucks, you could currently pick one for on your own.Read More

iPad 4 Teardown Review
In what came as a shock to the majority of people, Apple revealed the iPad 4 on the very same day as the iPad mini. We procured our practical this new, surprise iPad, as well as did exactly what we do best: tear it down. If you experience deja vuRead More

iPad 4 Teardown Review
In what came as a shock to most individuals, Apple revealed the iPad 4 on the same day as the iPad mini. If you experience deja vu while viewing this teardown testimonial, that’s because the iPad 4 is remarkably similar to the iPad 3, with just a couple of componentsRead More

iPad 4 Teardown Review
In what came as a shock to the majority of individuals, Apple revealed the iPad 4 on the exact same day as the iPad mini. We handled to obtain our practical this new, surprise iPad, and did exactly what we do best: tear it down. If you experience deja vuRead More

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Unboxing and Full Review
Berj of Technibility unboxes and totally reviews the Samsung Galaxy Note7. This is likewise a walk-through of the tool! Thanks for enjoying Technibility, subscribe for even more no rubbish tech! http://www.facebook.com/technibility Tweets by Technibility Call us through text or call at 818-514-5391 if you got a phone that requires fixing.Read More