Tag: galaxy s7 speed test

Google Pixel XL vs Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge – SPEED Test
Google Pixel XL vs Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge Rate as well as Performance test, Fingerprint unlock, Camaera launch, Web browser, Application, Video gaming Rate tests as well as RAM administration. Subscribe for more ► ► ► http://bit.ly/SuperSafSub Aid support the channel when purchasing on Amazon: United States: http://amzn.to/1PGgasB UK: http://amzn.to/1XK6ZLURead More

Galaxy S7 (Snapdragon) vs. Galaxy S7 (Exynos) Speed Test
Take a look at Norton’s The Most Dangerous Town Ep. 2 – http://full.sc/MDT-PH Large many thanks to Norton for sponsoring this video clip. There are two variants of the Galaxy S7, one with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 820 cpu and an additional with Samsung’s own Exynos 8890 chip. In this video, weRead More