Tag: display

Desoldering iphone 6 logicboard metal frames with Soldering helping hands 4X
http://www.cyberdocllc.com/ Subscribe, Like us, Visit our shop and view even more repair video clips Come to be a CyberTech Member at our solution library/ forum website http://www.iPhonebacklight.com/ CyberDoc SMD removal package QuickAlloy and no clean change utilized in video, solder paste 138C as well as 183C www.quickalloy.com Soldering Microscope andRead More

Redmi Note 3 vs Redmi 3S – What to Choose?
What’s the best choice for you? The Redmi Note 3 or the Redmi 3S Prime? Allow’s take a glance, look into the differences as well as number it out in this video clip! Where to Buy? Redmi 3S Flipkart.com – http://bit.ly/2bah1DR Banggood – http://goo.gl/9oFr01 (5% promo code: 5off4cellphone). Redmi NoteRead More

How to Replace Your iPhone 5 Screen (Complete Guide)
Connect to the Detailed Guidelines and Where to Buy the Screen: http://theunlockr.com/2014/06/05/replace-screen-iphone-5-complete-video-guide/?utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=iphone-5-screen-yt apple iphone Screen to Buy – https://theunlockr.com/product/iphone-5-replacement-screen/?utm_source=youtube&utm_campaign=iphone-5-screen-yt Thanks to my sweetheart dropping her phone on the pathway and ruining the screen, I’m going to do a video clip on how you can repair a busted iPhone 5 displayRead More

Dell XPS 18 in Portable All-in-One Tablet Teardown How to SSD Hard drive Upgrade Repair
http://www.amazon.com/s/?_encoding=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&field-keywords=Dell%20XPS%2018&linkCode=ur2&tag=cy0b0-20&url=search-alias%3Daps Click Link for most current Amazon Discount. http://www.cyberdocllc.com/ Searching for more hardware surface mount rework services? Have an iPhone repair service related inquiry or comment Please visit our brand-new iPhone repair work Forum and solutions library http://www.iphonebacklight.com/ For even more Soldering Supply as well as tools utilized in thisRead More

Muvid IR 715-2 Internet Radio teardown
First attempting to repair a firmware related problem (“Waiting for PC wizard”), then taking it apart searching for valuable elements.

iPad 4 Teardown Review
In what came as a shock to the majority of people, Apple revealed the iPad 4 on the very same day as the iPad mini. We procured our practical this new, surprise iPad, as well as did exactly what we do best: tear it down. If you experience deja vuRead More

iPad 4 Teardown Review
In what came as a shock to most individuals, Apple revealed the iPad 4 on the same day as the iPad mini. If you experience deja vu while viewing this teardown testimonial, that’s because the iPad 4 is remarkably similar to the iPad 3, with just a couple of componentsRead More

iPad 4 Teardown Review
In what came as a shock to the majority of individuals, Apple revealed the iPad 4 on the exact same day as the iPad mini. We handled to obtain our practical this new, surprise iPad, and did exactly what we do best: tear it down. If you experience deja vuRead More