Tag: damage

Amazon Fire Phone Drop Test!
Just exactly how long lasting is the recently released Amazon Fire Phone? See for on your own in this decrease examination! FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/pages/TechRax/192119757502890 TWITTER: Tweets by TechRax INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/techrax

iPad Pro Drop Test & Bend Test!
The Apple iPad Pro, Just How Durable Is It? iPad Pro Drop Test & Bend Test in a Durability Shootout. Caution, GRAPHIC Destruction. Follow me on Instagram @phonerebel

Dropping the iPhone 7 Plus From The World’s Tallest Building (829 meters)
I went down the new jet black apple iphone 7 Plus from the tallest building on the planet, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. A 2,717 ft. decline test. FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/techrax TWITTER: Tweets by TechRax INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/techrax

Desoldering iphone 6 logicboard metal frames with Soldering helping hands 4X
Subscribe, Like us, Go to our store as well as sight much more taking care of video clips Become a CyberTech Member at our service collection/ conversation online forum website CyberDoc SMD elimination plan QuickAlloy and also no tidy adjustment utilized in video clip, solder paste 138C in addition toRead More

? Is Apple’s iPhone 6S and 6S Plus Waterproof? A Waterproof Test and review. Is the iPhone 7 Next?
Apple’s new apple iphone Sixes and also 6s Plus seem extremely water resistant! I bet the apple iphone 7 and also iPhone 7 plus will be fully water immune! I hope you guys enjoy this Apple apple iphone 6s vs Sixes plus waterproof examination and also evaluation! Look into myRead More