USB plasma ball teardown and schematic.
I got this from Banggood, however it’s fairly a typical gadget on ebay.com if you look for USB plasma ball. As soon as you see that it emits a very high voltage slope at high regularity you could pick not to plug it right into, or place it near anything costly … It’s really wonderful to see that the wiring inside has actually not altered from the initial systems from several years back. If anything the elements have improved, making the unit a lot more reliable.
If you like high voltage electronic devices and plasma then this thing deserves getting simply for the PCB inside. It’s really tough to wind reputable high voltage, high frequency transformers like the one used right here, so it’s worth every cent simply for that little flyback transformer.
Note that it’s best not to use the circuit without a load on the transformer to secure it against extreme open circuit voltage.
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