Taking a Girl Fishing – Hints and Tips


Imagine you’re enjoying a beautiful day at the water, you’re getting some some good takes, and landing some beautiful fish, the sun’s shining over the calm, glistening water, nothing could be better. Paradise.

… but this perfection doesn’t last for long as your wife or girlfriend starts nagging “this is boring” “How long has it been now?” “this seat’s so uncomfortable”… sound familiar?

Let’s face it – all us fisherman have to bring our girls along at some point, so why can’t we turn that ‘nag, nag, nag’ girl into a keen fisherwoman?

Here are 10 top tips to keep your girlfriend or wife happy when taking her fishing, which will lead to her bugging you to take her fishing!

1. Pack a picnic lunch for the trip.

Bring along a blanket, drinks and foods to enjoy in the middle of your day. Make it romantic, with sparkling wine and strawberries for extra brownie points!

2. Enjoy the company.

You might just learn something new about your girl when with mother nature.

3. Get her involved!

You never know, she might be a natural! Help your girl with baiting her hook and casting, if she is a first-time fisherwoman. Ask her for her advice or teach her the intricate details of this exciting sport. Show her how interested and passionate you are about it.

Some words of warning, some things that she may not want to do:

– tie knots

– bait hooks

– take the fish off the hook

– hold the fish for pictures

– kill the fish

– clean/gut the fish

4. Encourage and Celebrate!

If she is having a go at fishing, make sure you give lots of encouragement for everything, and with her 1st catch make sure she knows your proud of her.

5. Make sure she has a lot of backup material.

If she isn’t a fisherwoman, make sure before you leave she has a full range of supplies to keep her entertained throughout your day. This includes: iPhone/iPad (with full battery), books or magazines, iPod for listening to music, your most comfortable chair, and some snacks.

6. Competition.

Encourage some fun competition with your girl. Create some excitement and have a fishing contest, it will also be a good chance to show off you skills!

7. Pick a spot with beautiful scenery.

The chances of her being happier in a beautiful spot of country are far higher. Do not drag her through a mosquito infested swamp.

8. Make a deal or a bribe.

If your other half, starts to become bored, or wants to go back, but you are having a great session and want to stay, make a deal. “If we stay for 2 more hours, I’ll buy you a gift”.

9. Go on a fishing trip with another couple.

Find your buddy, ask him to bring along his girl, and make it a double fishing date. It keeps the girls busy, and gives you guys the time for some serious angling!

10. Don’t turn her off fishing!

If your wife/girlfriend is interested in fishing, walk her in slowly. If showing her how to fish, don’t overwhelm her with information (it’s boring for her), start with the basics and gradually build over time. She’ll ask questions when she becomes curious. Have some shorter evening sessions to start with, 2 hours is ideal. Hopefully she’ll become interested over time and want to learn, not feel like she is being pushed into something she doesn’t want to do.

Enjoy your time with your girl and make an effort to keep her happy, and you never know, maybe one day she will be out fishing you.

Source by James Cottis

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