Tag: Vlog

iPhone Displayfarbe in wenigen Sekunden ändern (Glaz 2.0) Review/Test
Heute testen wir das GLAZ Liquid! Es verspricht Smartphone-Bildschirme ultra durable zu machen! Hier das Produkt für die Verlosung auswählen: https://www.glaz-displayschutz.de Mehr Informationen hier in der Beschreibung. Felixba Video dazu: https://youtu.be/YUYfFxwHnoc. / Dieses Video beinhaltet Produktplatzierungen!/. Mehr Informationen zu Affiliate, Produktplatzierung und Produkthilfe: http://goo.gl/hD2vcv. Verlosung Teilnahmebedingungen:. 6 von euch habenRead More

Apple Watch Series 2 UNBOXING! | No iPhone 7 UNBOXING :(
FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM! – http://instagr.am/lamarrwilson See iJustine’s iPhone 7 unboxing meltdown: https://youtu.be/sE2Ltzt4z2U Appreciate my Apple Watch Series 2 Unboxing! TWITTER: http://twitter.com/lamarrwilson FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/lamarrwilson BIOGRAPHY: http://lamarrwilson.com ——————————- FTC- I am not being paid by any of the mentioned companies to make this video. The sights in this video are strictlyRead More

My iPhone Has Touch Disease :(
So my iPhone 6 Plus just recently ended up being victim to the dreaded “Touch Disease” concern as well as apparently I’m not alone in needing to take care of it … LET’S BE FRIENDS Twitter: https://twitter.com/MeAustinC Instagram: http://instagram.com/AustinCastro Tumblr: http://meaustinc.tumblr.com Snapchat: AustinCastro Google+: http://goo.gl/HBtcV

Huawei P9 Real Camera Review: Is this “Leica” legit?
The most intriguing features of Huawei’s P9 are the double camera sensors on the back. This is the very first tool birthed of the partnership between Huawei and also Leica, and it’s not without a little conflict. While Huawei representatives urge that Leica was an active partner in establishing theRead More

iPhone SE Unboxing + Review!
► Get my iOS 10 STICKERS! http://ijustinestickers.com ► SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDS! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ijustine ► Get my BOOK! http://ijustinebook.com FIND ME HERE: http://instagram.com/ijustine http://facebook.com/ijustine Tweets by ijustine Snapchat: iJustine GAMING CHANNEL: http://youtube.com/ijustinegaming ————————. ▼ STUFF I — USE TO MAKE VIDEOS:. G7X ii- http://amzn.to/2f6n2Bs. Canon 80D -http://amzn.to/2eRKhQo . Sony A7s iiRead More
Iphone 7 plus unboxing and review!!!!!
Back At it again with another long vlog.. This time i UNBOX and review the New Iphone 7! I get new eyelash extensions, drive around in my car and more. Watch me Unbox the new Iphone 7 at 8:45. Make sure you subscribe for more long vlogs and LIKE thisRead More
1 week with my iPhone 7 Plus! Update!
How’s everything been going for you guys and your phones? SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDS: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ijustine GET MY BOOK: http://ijustine.com/ijustine-order-now BLOG: http://www.ijustine.com SOCIAL NETWORKS: http://instagram.com/ijustine Tweets by ijustine http://facebook.com/ijustine google+ : http://google.com/+ijustine tumblr : http://ijustine.tumblr.com vine: @ijustine snapchat: ijustine MY YOUTUBE CHANNELS: http://youtube.com/ijustine http://youtube.com/otherijustine http://youtube.com/ijustinegaming source
iPhone 7 PLUS Unboxing!! 256GB Rose Gold!!
Ahh in today’s vlog I unbox my new iPhone 7 plus in the rose gold color!! Ahh hope you like it!! Sorry it was a bit short! xo -Alisha Marie Twitter: @AlishaMarie + Instagram: @Alisha Snapchat: LidaLu11 Chloe’s Instagram: @itsmechloemae Subscribe to my Main Channel::: https://www.youtube.com/user/macbby11 [email protected] source