Tag: US elections 2016

Clinton email investigation: FBI notes reveal laptop and thumb drive are missing
Former Clinton assistant who assisted develop archive in 2013 lost gadgets, as Trump states responses to the FBI about personal e-mail server resist belief A Clinton Foundation laptop computer and a thumb drive utilized to archive that she must not deal with charges . Amidst intense Republican criticism of theRead More

I walked 170 miles to the RNC to talk to Trump supporters. They surprised me
I walked from Detroit to the Cleveland convention to talk to my fellow midwesterners. The verdict: people simply dont care about Melanias plagiarism when theyre worried about paying the mortgage Fire! Clouds of teargas! Mass arrests! Armed black power militants facing off with assault rifle-wielding white supremacists! Unprepared and nervousRead More

Trumps tax plan would do little for the average American but a lot for the 1%
Donald Trumps three-bracket tax system looks appealingly basic, however it would wind up making the rich richer and leave the rest of America anything however excellent If you were listening or enjoying to Donald Trumps impressive speech accepting the Republican celebrations election for president, you couldnt have actually missed outRead More