Tag: samsung note 7

Galaxy Note 7 vs Galaxy S7 Edge Speedtest (Exynos 8890 vs Snapdragon 820)
In this video clip we match the Galaxy S7 Edge against the new Galaxy Note 7 to see which does better under daily usage situations … opening applications, games, taking care of memory, and so on … To Buy the Galaxy Note 7: Amazon.in – http://amzn.to/2aTPWUG Amazon – http://amzn.to/2aPxk6R ToRead More

What makes the Note 7 Waterproof? Ultimate Test!!
The phone claims to be IP68 Water Resistant. Is the phone Water Proof? And also just what you could realistically anticipate from your cell phone. Exactly what do you believe? Do you think its safe to call the Galaxy Note 7 Water Proof? or is it much better to playRead More

Galaxy Note 7 Unboxing [GOOD LAWD THE SCREEN!]
SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=wilsontech1 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 unboxing & impressions: http://www.samsung.com/us/explore/galaxy-note-7-features-and-specs/ Thx Samsung for the review system! My YouTube channel is a diary concerning things I’m interested in vlogging around: Tech, Video Games, Lifestyle, & a lot more! For incentive content follow me on one or all the social media sitesRead More

Galaxy Note 7 – Durability video
THIS IS THE DEALT WITH SCRAPE EXAMINATION VIDEO: https://youtu.be/nOz4Kf5AL7Q PLEASE WATCH. GLASS DOES NOT SCRATCH AT A MOHS 3. PREVIOUS DESCRIPTION: I am even more compared to prepared to make another video clip if Samsung (or Corning) would certainly like to clarify or retest just what’s going on. Samsung GalaxyRead More

Note 7 Review!
When it comes to efficiency, the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 is MUCH even more than a bigger Galaxy S7 Edge … except. But I could conveniently forgive it (: dBrand Skins: https://dbrand.com/customize Introductory Music: “Junkyard King” by http://www.itsnavied.bandcamp.com Company Inquiries: [email protected] ~ ~ Follow Me! ~ ~. twitter: https://twitter.com/lora_krystal. instagram:Read More