Tag: S-Pen

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 review
The Galaxy Note 7 is the most effective big-screened mobile phone you can buy, however not because it has the greatest display, fastest processor, or finest camera. It’s merely because it’s been made from the starting to be a huge phone, and is easier to make use of compared toRead More

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Impressions!
Galaxy Note7 also known as GS7E+ is below! Galaxy S7 Edge Review: https://youtu.be/ZvPxjhTOEgM Video Gear I utilize: http://kit.com/MKBHD/video-gear#recommendation17959 Introductory Track: Equilibre by Hocus Pocus ~ Tweets by MKBHD http://snapchat.com/add/MKBHD http://google.com/+MarquesBrownlee http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD

How Does the S Pen Work? – Galaxy Note 7
Replacement S-Pens: http://amzn.to/2bXeO1g This video reveals whats inside the Galaxy Note 7 S pen. Undoubtedly Samsung isn’t really going to tell us exactly just how the pen functions, but when we open it up as well as take a look at each of the parts, we get a basic suggestionRead More