Tag: Plane

iPhone6 drop test: 2 THOUSAND feet! + Complete ENGINE tear down – Super Cub – Flying POV
Some fun Super Cub memories, while tearing apart her broken engine:-LRB-. Proud to be related to ForeFlight: http://www.foreflight.com/flightchops/. Trip Chops CONTESTS! A brand-new competition EVERY month; shared rewards from all our enrollers completing over $750! AND ALSO this season we’ll have a GRAND PRIZE Bose A20 Aviation headset well worthRead More
cellphonerepairguys November 30, 2016 accident, Aircraft Maintenance Technician (Profession), Airplane, Airport, ame, ATC, Aviation (Industry), check list, control zone, conventional landing gear, crash, cross country, Drop Test, engine repair, Flight Following, flight training, flying, gopro, grass field, grass strip, iphone, Mechanic (Profession), pa18, piper, Piper PA-18 (Aircraft Model), Plane, prop strike, repair, safety, super cub, tail wheel, tail-dragger, teaching, VFR, Visual Flight Rules Apple Repairs Comments Off on iPhone6 drop test: 2 THOUSAND feet! + Complete ENGINE tear down – Super Cub – Flying POV
iPhone6 drop test: 2 THOUSAND feet! + Complete ENGINE tear down – Super Cub – Flying POV
Some enjoyable Super Cub memories, while abusing her broken engine:-LRB-. Happy to be linked with ForeFlight: http://www.foreflight.com/flightchops/. Trip Chops CONTESTS! A new contest EVERY month; shared rewards from all our sponsors amounting to over $750! AND this season we’ll have a GRAND PRIZE Bose A20 Aviation headset well worth overRead More
cellphonerepairguys November 30, 2016 accident, Aircraft Maintenance Technician (Profession), Airplane, Airport, ame, ATC, Aviation (Industry), check list, control zone, conventional landing gear, crash, cross country, Drop Test, engine repair, Flight Following, flight training, flying, gopro, grass field, grass strip, iphone, Mechanic (Profession), pa18, piper, Piper PA-18 (Aircraft Model), Plane, prop strike, repair, safety, super cub, tail wheel, tail-dragger, teaching, VFR, Visual Flight Rules Apple Repairs Comments Off on iPhone6 drop test: 2 THOUSAND feet! + Complete ENGINE tear down – Super Cub – Flying POV