Tag: Jaime Rivera

OnePlus 3T vs Samsung Galaxy S7 edge: Flagship killer vs Flagship
For three consecutive years, OnePlus has resisted just what a front runner needs to be, yet the concern is if it’s truly great enough to stand against the best. We have a costs plan of hardware and software program being sandwiched right into a beautiful phone that costs a wholeRead More

Apple Watch Series 2 Review: Finally Delivering on Promises
Remember all the important things Apple assured that the first Apple Watch would be great at? Well all of us recognize that the genuine experience of possessing one didn’t actually measure up to all the marketing hype. The first-generation Apple Watch was confusing, and not as long lasting as anyoneRead More

Apple iPhone 7 Plus Review: Plus Finally Means Something
Pocketnow’s iPhone protection is funded by https://dbrand.com/iphone-skins iPhone 7 skins – https://dbrand.com/shop/iphone-7-skins iPhone 7 Plus skins – https://dbrand.com/shop/iphone-7-plus-skins There was a time when the an iPhone with a Plus just indicated a bloated version of the exact same tool. Today points are various, as the iPhone 7 Plus has takenRead More