Tag: iPad Pro Review

iPad Pro 9.7″ Unboxing and Review!
Apple iPad Pro 9.7-inch Unboxing and also Review! iPad Pro 9.7 vs 12.9 Reviewed and Unboxed in this 2016 iPad Video. Showcasing an A9X CPU, a TrueTone Retina Display as well as Quad-Speakers. Assistance The Channel & Get EPIC Prizes: http://btinfo.co/join-icu-community iPhone SE Unboxing and also Review! https://youtu.be/8S36jIFw1dc The iPadRead More

iPad Pro Drop Test & Bend Test!
The Apple iPad Pro, Just How Durable Is It? iPad Pro Drop Test & Bend Test in a Durability Shootout. Caution, GRAPHIC Destruction. Follow me on Instagram @phonerebel