Tag: htc one m8

HTC One M9 Teardown Review!
The HTC One M8 was just one of the most preferred and also well evaluated Android phones we’ve seen– but when we obtained it on our teardown table in May 2014, we gave it a miserable 2 out of 10 on our repairability scale. The M8 was a monster toRead More

HTC One M8 Disassembly & Assembly / teardown / frame replace
HTC One M8 Disassembly & Assembly/ teardown/ structure replace Ways to Disassembly & Assembly HTC One M8 Disassembly & Assembly Please SUBSCRIBE;-RRB-). FB: http://www.facebook.com/premiumrepair. G+: http://plus.google.com/118329819948918482739/posts. INTERNET: www.premiumrepair.org.