Tag: Hillary Clinton

Viva Trump! What drives Donald Trump’s Hispanic supporters?
The Republican candidate wants to deport immigrants and build a wall to keep Mexicans out. So what drives los Trumpistas? Trump is our wakeup call Raul Rodriguez, 74, Apple Valley, California I always carry a bullhorn with me to rallies and campaign events. Into it I shout: America, wake up!Read More

Clinton email investigation: FBI notes reveal laptop and thumb drive are missing
Former Clinton assistant who assisted develop archive in 2013 lost gadgets, as Trump states responses to the FBI about personal e-mail server resist belief A Clinton Foundation laptop computer and a thumb drive utilized to archive that she must not deal with charges . Amidst intense Republican criticism of theRead More

Why Americans are still waiting for our first tech president
Our next leader have to battle to secure users and grow the web. Thats why public interest groups are sending out both celebrations a roadmap to a much better tech future As Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders have actually revealed, any prospect wanting to get in touch withRead More

Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump? The Winner Isthe Oligarchy
The actual winners in election 2016 are going to be the new-economy oligarchs who are amongst Clinton’s biggest benefactors.”> Clintons largest specific backers also include a lot of enjoyment and also media numbers. NBC Universal, News Corporation, Turner Broadcasting, as well as Thomson Reuters are amongst more than a loadsRead More