Tag: gorilla glass

Galaxy Note 7 – Durability video
THIS IS THE DEALT WITH SCRAPE EXAMINATION VIDEO: https://youtu.be/nOz4Kf5AL7Q PLEASE WATCH. GLASS DOES NOT SCRATCH AT A MOHS 3. PREVIOUS DESCRIPTION: I am even more compared to prepared to make another video clip if Samsung (or Corning) would certainly like to clarify or retest just what’s going on. Samsung GalaxyRead More

Galaxy Note 4 Screen Replacement Teardown and Reinstallation in under 7 minutes.
http://www.injuredgadgets.com/searchresults.asp?Cat=2063 – Injured Gadgets, the leader in Samsung, iPhone, iPod, and iPad repair works reveals you the best ways to repair your Galaxy Note 4 with their Official Galaxy Note 4 Display/ LCD Repair work & Disassembly Video clip & Directions. We likewise include the teardown and re-assembly directions startRead More