Tag: Fun

What Happens if you Taser your Phone?
Because I enjoy you, I’m providing away a FREE Apple Watch Nobody actually does taser tests. This is the very first Samsung Galaxy S7 to ever before be tasered. Will the battery fee or will the phone impact up in my face? Win a Free Apple Watch Want this taser?Read More

What Happens if you Taser your Phone?
I’m providing away a FREE Apple Watch due to the fact that I like you No one truly does taser examinations. This is the first Samsung Galaxy S7 to ever before be tasered. Will the battery fee or will the phone impact up in my face? Win a Free AppleRead More

iPhone 7 Swimming Test
** Update at ~ 7 hours 30 minutes: transforms out, you can’t livestream for even more than 8 hours. Our apple iphone 7 is still downing along. ** Update at ~ 6 hrs 50 minutes: with just 14% battery life, we decided to try to plug the phone in. WeRead More