Tag: First Impressions

24 hours with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Active
I mean hey, initial perceptions are every little thing, yet if there is one point sturdy phones are never regretful regarding, is looks. To be reasonable, sturdy phones were never meant to be pretty. The Galaxy S7 Active is a monster of a phone. It’s padded borders hint to aRead More

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Impressions!
Galaxy Note7 also known as GS7E+ is below! Galaxy S7 Edge Review: https://youtu.be/ZvPxjhTOEgM Video Gear I utilize: http://kit.com/MKBHD/video-gear#recommendation17959 Introductory Track: Equilibre by Hocus Pocus ~ Tweets by MKBHD http://snapchat.com/add/MKBHD http://google.com/+MarquesBrownlee http://instagram.com/MKBHD http://facebook.com/MKBHD

Galaxy Note 7 Unboxing [GOOD LAWD THE SCREEN!]
SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=wilsontech1 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 unboxing & impressions: http://www.samsung.com/us/explore/galaxy-note-7-features-and-specs/ Thx Samsung for the review system! My YouTube channel is a diary concerning things I’m interested in vlogging around: Tech, Video Games, Lifestyle, & a lot more! For incentive content follow me on one or all the social media sitesRead More

iPhone BATTERY CASE?! [First Impressions]
I purchased the iPhone Battery Case and also shared my … ideas. http://www.apple.com/shop/product/MGQL2LL/A/iphone-6s-smart-battery-case-charcoal-gray?fnode=bbdb678ec21db13ce2556a4af39b36c6916c82e350f495ebe7228659d860cc29a33d791d1f1a5386b24d7178de913490dd0008b914b8d99892f20c904c01c1a6ca8da9c95706a6ead3cd5cd54da7f595a62790e93de6ce968806ab58d3404644 SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=wilsontech1 Twitter & Instagram: @LamarrWilson Website: http://lamarrwilson.com Intro/Ending Singing & Music thanks to Tae Brooks http://youtube.com/taebrooks Aristocracy Free Music by http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/