Tag: blackberry

iPhone 6 plus logicboard teardown
http://www.cyberdocllc.com/ Subscribe, Like us, Visit our store and see more repair work videos End up being a CyberTech Member at our option library/ discussion forum site http://www.iPhonebacklight.com/ CyberDoc SMD removal set QuickAlloy as well as no clean change used in video, solder paste 138C as well as 183C www.quickalloy.com SolderingRead More

BlackBerry to stop making Classic smartphone, killing keyboards for good
Company to stop making gadget it hoped would lure users who choose a physical keyboard, a symbolic shift far from handsets and towards software application The mobile phone leader BlackBerry will stop making it had actually hoped would lure users who choose a physical, instead of touchscreen, keyboard. Blackberrys moveRead More