Tag: barack obama

Coin given to US’s oldest park ranger by Barack Obama stolen in home invasion
The White House is sending out a replacement coin to 94-year-old Betty Soskin, who states she hopes she can recuperate the initial from violent house trespasser The earliest park ranger in the United States suffered a violent house intrusion where the suspect took a celebratory coin Barack Obama offered toRead More
cellphonerepairguys June 30, 2016 barack obama, california, US news General Comments Off on Coin given to US’s oldest park ranger by Barack Obama stolen in home invasion

The controversial algorithm that could scrub the internet of ISIS propaganda
BY SHANE DIXON KAVANAUGH A newtechnologytouted as a method to scrub terrorist propagandafrom the internetcould be on a clash with the extremely social networks business it looks for to serve. Hany Farid, a computer system researcher at Dartmouth College, has actually established a software application algorithm that he asserts willRead More
cellphonerepairguys June 26, 2016 barack obama, fbi, ISIS, islamic state, Terrorism, vocativ General Comments Off on The controversial algorithm that could scrub the internet of ISIS propaganda