Tag: Apple Pencil

iPad Pro 9.7″ Unboxing and Review!
Apple iPad Pro 9.7-inch Unboxing and also Review! iPad Pro 9.7 vs 12.9 Reviewed and Unboxed in this 2016 iPad Video. Showcasing an A9X CPU, a TrueTone Retina Display as well as Quad-Speakers. Assistance The Channel & Get EPIC Prizes: http://btinfo.co/join-icu-community iPhone SE Unboxing and also Review! https://youtu.be/8S36jIFw1dc The iPadRead More

Apple iPad Pro 9.7 inch Review
Lisa Gade examines the more recent, smaller sized iPad Pro model from Apple. It has a 9.7″ display vs. the initial iPad Pro’s 12.9″ display screen. It’s the very same size as the iPad Air 2, and thus may be a much more traditional tablet … it’s likewise a bitRead More

Apple iPad Pro 9.7-inch: Unboxing & Review
In-depth unboxing and evaluation of the 9.7-inch iPad Pro with a contrast to the iPad Air 2 and iPad Pro 12.9-inch. Includes style introduction, efficiency benchmarks, camera demo, battery performance, speaker quality, and an appearance at all iPad Pro devices consisting of the Smart Keyboard, Apple Pencil, Silicone Case, SmartRead More

Apple Pencil: Unboxing & Review
A Quick Testimonial of the Apple Pencil. Link: http://www.apple.com/apple-pencil/ Many thanks for Watching! Subscribe: http://goo.gl/UEhJs Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DetroitBORG Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/DetroitBORG Google+: http://goo.gl/mHsOmH Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/DetroitBORG