Selling Cookbooks – Making Money Selling Old and Vintage Cookbooks on eBay


If you’re looking for creative ways to make extra money in these hard economic times, have you thought about selling old cookbooks? Selling old, antique, or used cookbooks is easy to do once you know a few tricks of the trade. Old cookbooks are lying around everywhere. You see them at garage sales and thrift shops and friends and family are loaded with them. But selling old, used cookbooks, or if you can find vintage and rare cook books, can make you hundreds of dollars. Selling cookbooks can even become your main source of livelihood.

Many people are silently selling old cook books from home and really don’t want the word to get out. They are easy to sell on eBay and other places online and some will sell on Craigslist. They’re often overlooked primarily because people have no idea they can be sold for a lot of money.

Cookbook collectors abound all over the U.S. They are fanatical about collecting. Sometimes they collect in one category like chocolate cookbooks. Many are looking for old or vintage Betty Crocker Cookbooks from the 1950s or 1960s. And they don’t have to very old to be worth a lot.

I had a nice Julia Child Cookbook that I sold for $400. There were certain things about it that made it unique. Knowing what these things are helps when you place a value on it. Most of all it’s important to know what to look for if you go to garage sales with the intent and purpose of buying old cookbooks.

Setting up a cookbook business is easy. It’s actually fun when you realize that you know the value of cookbooks and can instantly recognize winners from piles and piles that you find at library sales and auctions besides the regular haunts of garage sales and thrift shops. Selling old cookbooks is easy when you develop a knack for it.

Look around and start getting familiar with old cookbooks. Look at the different versions of the Better Homes and Gardens Cook books and Betty Crocker Cookbooks to start with. Become an expert on those and you can get a big share of the market. Pricing is easy. There are many ways to make extra money selling cookbooks or starting a business at home. Yes you can make money selling cookbooks once you learn which ones sell and what they sell for.

Source by Helen Hecker

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