How to Fix Touch Disease on iPhone 6 Plus (No Soldering or Bending) | appleEducate #03
FOR EXPERIENCED — USERS ONLY. Please do not try this unless you fit uncoupling your phone.
Miss Disassembly: 2:13 – Thickness of Tape (Bulge): 3:03
I am an Apple Certified Support Professional, as well as Apple Certified iOS Device Repair Technician. I am an iFixit Pro, and also Amazon Service Provider.
iPhone 6 Teardown
apple iphone 6 Plus Teardown
iPhone Opening Tools: http://amzn.to/2cBv1I9
If you do not really feel comfortable opening your phone do not feel bad. Check out iPad Rehab and you could mail your phone as well as have the chips replaced. http://mendonipadrehab.com/
This repair work is at your personal risk and I do not declare any kind of responsibility for unintentional problems you do to your phone. Be patient and also check everything. Helpful hint: place your screws down in the shape of your phone throughout the fixing.
Look into my internet site! https://rodydavis.com
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