Buy Cell Phone Records – Tips on How and Where to Buy Them


You may be interested in buying cell phone records for one reason or another. You may believe your spouse is seeing another and before you confront him or her, you want to have proof. Or you may have been getting a lot of prank calls and you want to find out who the culprit is so you can put a stop to it. No matter what your reason, you’ll need to go through a few steps to buy cell phone records. Below you will learn everything you need to know.

But before you buy those records, it’s a good idea to do a reverse call first. What’s a reverse call? It’s simply dialing *69 (or whatever is the number for doing a reverse call on your cell phone) right after the person who called you (e.g., someone who’s been causing you trouble) has hung up. This is the cheapest way you can find out who the person is on the other end of the line.

A site called Locatecell guarantees that you can obtain anyone’s cell phone records. The catch is that you have to pay $100. You provide them the person’s name and cell phone number and Locatecell will do the leg work of tracing the other person. You’ll get a list of all the calls received by the phone number you gave them, as well as calls made from the number.

If you’re after more details, you might want to hire a private investigator. Private investigators not only can track down people, they can also get access to phone records. With a private investigator, you’ll get not just a list of incoming and outgoing calls from the number you want traced, you’ll also get the dates and times of the calls, as well as how long each call lasted. Most private investigators were police detectives so they have inside knowledge on how to get the information needed. Private detectives cost a lot more than sites like Locatecell but you’ll have a lot more information.

Cell phone records can provide you with anything and everything you wish to know about people. For instance, you can find out if they’re dating someone, and if they are, you can find out who they’re dating. You can also find out what school they attend, where they work, who their doctor is, if they’re seeing a psychiatrist, and pretty much anything you want to know.

Source by Chris Van Rooij

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