Author: cellphonerepairguys
Make a film with iPad Air 2 – Everything changes with iPad (Oscars 2015 TV Commercial)
You can’t do your work according toother people’s values. I’m not talking about also followingyour dream either. I. . . I never liked the inspirational valueof that phrase. Dreaming is a way of trivializing the process of the obsession that carries you through the failureas well as the successes, whichRead More
iPhone 6 – 5 Reasons Why It’s NOT Worth the Money
Hey everyone this is chad and in this video we’ll be going over five things I hate aboutthe new iPhone 6. Keep in mind the iPhone 6 is no doubt one of the best phones of 2014,but there’s still things Apple could have improved and this video will explain myRead More
iPhone 6 – What To Expect
Hey guys this is Austin and today I’m here with a video going over everything you needto know about the iPhone 6. I recently spent some time out in LA taking a look at mockups of the iPhone 6 along withthe new sapphire display. If these leaks are true thenRead More
iPhone 6 – 5 Reasons Why It’s NOT Worth the Money
Hey everyone this is chad and in this video we’ll be going over five things I hate aboutthe new iPhone 6. Keep in mind the iPhone 6 is no doubt one of the best phones of 2014,but there’s still things Apple could have improved and this video will explain myRead More
iPhone 6 – What To Expect
Hey guys this is Austin and today I’m here with a video going over everything you needto know about the iPhone 6. I recently spent some time out in LA taking a look at mockups of the iPhone 6 along withthe new sapphire display. If these leaks are true thenRead More
iPad Air 2 Unboxing & Review
Despite its incredible commercial success, the iPhone has recently received vehement criticism in general. The iPad is a product that has helped in the creation of a positive atmosphere surrounding Apple. You are watching the Unboxholics show and this is the iPad Air 2, a tablet that even Apple hatersRead More
iPad Air vs Samsung Galaxy Tab PRO 10.1
hey what’s gone out once more from phoneDog dot com for revenge or video Italk to guys about the Boost Mobile offerswe’ve been talking about the past couple weeks now now possible give you 50 bucksoffer for smartphone if you switch them before weand the sponsor you have until MarchRead More
How to Delete a Contact – iPhone 6
How to delete a contact from your smartphone. First, open up your phones dial pad by tappingthe phone application on the bottom of your screen. Next, you’ll notice several optionson the bottom, such as Favorites, Call History, Contacts, Keypad and Voicemail. Go ahead andtouch on Contacts and then select theRead More
iPhone 6 vs OnePlus One – Full Comparison
The iPhone 6 is one of the hottest phones on the market. It has a beautiful shiny metalbuild, soft smooth edges, and a wonderful display. The OnePlus One on the other handhas a big beautiful display, killer battery, and incredibly low price. This is chad andin this video we’ll beRead More
How to Delete a Contact – iPhone 6
How to delete a contact from your smartphone. First, open up your phones dial pad by tappingthe phone application on the bottom of your screen. Next, you’ll notice several optionson the bottom, such as Favorites, Call History, Contacts, Keypad and Voicemail. Go ahead andtouch on Contacts and then select theRead More