Viva Trump! What drives Donald Trump’s Hispanic supporters?
The Republican candidate wants to deport immigrants and build a wall to keep Mexicans out. So what drives los Trumpistas?
Trump is our wakeup call
Raul Rodriguez, 74, Apple Valley, California
I always carry a bullhorn with me to rallies and campaign events. Into it I shout: America, wake up! Americans have been asleep for way too long. We need to realise that the future of our country is at stake.
If we dont elect Donald Trump, well get another four years of Barack Obama and frankly, I dont know what would happen to this wonderful country of ours. Obama has already done so much to destroy our way of life and Hillary Clinton is promising to carry on where he left off. Like Obama, she wants to change our fundamental values the ones people like my father fought to defend.
My father was born in Durango, Mexico. When he came to the US he joined the military and served as a medic during the second world war. He was a very proud American he truly loved this country. I think I got my sense of patriotism from him.
Obama and Hillary Clinton want to have open borders. They let illegal immigrants cross our borders and now they want to accept thousands of Syrians. We dont know who these people are. If they want to come to this country, they have to do it the right way, like my father did it.
Im tired of politicians telling voters what they want to hear and then returning to Washington and doing whatever their party tells them to do. Politicians are supposed to represent the people not their parties or their donors.
Part of the reason I like Donald Trump is because he isnt an established politician. Sometimes that hurts him and people get offended. But the truth hurts. Even if he doesnt say it well, hes not wrong. Trump is our wakeup call.
Democrats treat Latinos as if were all one big group
Ximena Barreto, 31, San Diego, California

I was in primary school in my native Colombia when my father was murdered. I was six just one year older than my daughter is now. My father was an officer in the Colombian army at a time when wearing a uniform made you a target for narcoterrorists, Farc fighters and guerrilla groups.
What I remember clearly from those early years is the bombing and the terror. I was so afraid, especially after my dad died. At night, I would curl up in my mothers bed while she held me close. She could not promise me that everything was going to be all right, because it wasnt true. I dont want my daughter to grow up like that.
But when I turn on my TV, I see terrorist attacks in San Bernardino and in Orlando. There are dangerous people coming across our borders. Trump was right. Some are rapists and criminals, but some are good people, too. But how do we know who is who, when you come here illegally?
I moved to the US in 2006 on a work permit. It took nearly five years and thousands of dollars to become a US citizen. I know the process is not perfect, but its the law. Why would I want illegals coming in when I had to go through this? Its not fair that theyre allowed to jump the line and take advantage of so many benefits, ones that I pay for with my tax dollars.
People assume that because Im a woman, I should vote for the woman; or that because Im Latina, I should vote for the Democrat. The Democrats have been pandering to minorities and women for the last 50 years. They treat Latinos as if were all one big group. Im Colombian I dont like Mariachi music. Donald Trump is not just saying what he thinks people want to hear, hes saying what theyre afraid to say. I believe that hes the only candidate who can make America strong and safe again.
Trump beat the system: whats more American than that?
Bertran Usher, 20, Inglewood, California

Donald Trump is the candidate America deserves. For decades, Americans have bemoaned politicians and Washington insiders. We despise political speak and crave fresh, new ideas. When you ask for someone with no experience, this is what you get. Its like saying you dont want a doctor to operate on you.
But Trump is a big FU to America. He beat the system and proved everyone wrong. Whats more American than that?
As a political science student who one day hopes to go into politics, I am studying this election closely. Both candidates are deeply unpopular and people of my generation are not happy with their choices. I believe we can learn what not to do from this election. I see how divided the country is, and its the clearest sign that politicians will have to learn to work together to make a difference. Its not always easy, but Ive seen this work.
I was raised in a multicultural household. My mother, a Democrat, is Latino and African American, raised in the inner city of Los Angeles. My father, a Republican, is an immigrant from Belize. My parents and I dont always see eye to eye on everything, but our spirited debates have helped add nuance to my politics.
Im in favour of small government, but I support gay rights. I believe welfare is an important service for Americans who need it, but I think our current programme needs to be scaled back. I think we need to have stricter enforcement of people who come to the country illegally, but I dont think we should deport the DREAMers [children of immigrants who were brought to the country illegally, named after the 2001 Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act].
Trump can be a nut, but I think hes the best candidate in this election. Though there are issues of his I disagree with, at least he says whats on his mind, as opposed to Hillary Clinton, who hides what shes thinking behind her smile.
Its up to my generation to fix the political mess were in. I plan to be a part of the solution.
Trumps The Art Of The Deal inspired me to be a businessman
Omar Navarro, 27, Torrance, California

When I was a kid, people would ask what I wanted to be when I grew up. I would tell them: I want to be president of the United States. If that doesnt work out, I want to be a billionaire like Trump.
In a way, I supported him long before he announced he was running for president. He was my childhood hero. I read The Art Of The Deal as a student; it inspired me to become a businessman. Now I own a small business and am running for Congress in Californias 43rd district.
Trump built an empire and a strong brand thats recognisable all around the world; hes a household name and a world-class businessman. Almost anywhere you go, you can see the mark of Donald Trump on a building or property. When I see that, I see the American Dream.
Some people ask me how I can support Donald Trump as the son of a Mexican and Cuban immigrants. They are categorising me. In this country we label people: Hispanic, African American, Asian, Caucasian. We separate and divide people into social categories based on race, ethnicity, gender and creed. To me, this is a form of racism. Im proud of my Hispanic heritage but Im an American, full stop.
Like all immigrants, my parents came to this country for a better opportunity. But they did it legally. They didnt cut the line. They assimilated to the American way of life, learned English and opened small businesses.
Why should we allow people to skirt the law? Imagine making a dinner reservation and arriving at the restaurant to find out that another family has been seated at your table. How is that fair?
We have to have laws and as a country we must enforce those laws. A society without laws is just anarchy. If someone invited you to their house and asked you to remove your shoes would you keep them on? If we dont enforce the rules, why would anyone respect them? I believe Donald Trump will enforce the rules.
He has taken a strong stand against abortion
Jimena Rivera, 20, student at the University of Texas at Brownsville

Im Mexican, so I dont have a vote, but I support Donald Trump because he is the one candidate who opposes abortion. He may have wavered in the beginning, but since becoming the nominee he has taken a strong stand against abortion.
Hillary Clinton is running as the leader of a party that has pushed a very pro-choice platform. Even Democrats like her running mate, Tim Kaine, who is a devout Catholic, compromise their faith to support abortion.
I dont always agree with his positions on immigration. I see the border wall every day. Im not convinced that its effective. The people who want to cross will find a way. I dont think its right that they do, but most of them are looking for a better way of life. A wall wont stop them.
Lower taxes and less regulation will create more jobs
Marissa Desilets, 22, Palm Springs, California

I am a proud Hispanic conservative Republican woman. I became politically engaged as a political science and economics major at university. By my junior year, I was a member of the campus Republicans club. As a student of economics, I am very impressed with Trumps economic agenda. I believe we must cut taxes for everyone and eliminate the death tax. Lowering taxes and reeling back regulations will create more jobs meaning more tax-paying Americans. This in turn will generate more revenue for the Treasury.
I also support Trump because he favours strong leadership and promised to preserve the constitution of the United States. We must have a rule of law in this country. We must close our open borders. Like Trump says: a nation without borders is not a nation. This doesnt mean we should not allow any immigrants. We should welcome new immigrants who choose to legally enter our beautiful country.
This wont be the case if Hillary Clinton becomes president. I would expect the poor to become poorer and our country to become divided. I believe that liberals reckless domestic spending will bankrupt our future generations. I refuse to support a party that desires to expand the government and take away my civil liberties.
He has gone through so many divorces, yet raised such a close-knit family
Dr Alexander Villicana, 80, Pasadena, California

I am an example of the opportunities this country has to offer. My parents came from Mexico at the turn of the 20th century. They were not educated but they worked hard to make a better life for us and it paid off.
I went to school and studied cosmetic surgery. Now I work as a plastic surgeon and have been in practice for the last 40 years. I have a beautiful family and my health. I am Hispanic but I am a citizen of the United States and I feel very patriotic for this country that has given me so much.
Im supporting Trump because I agree with his vision for our economy. He has experience at the negotiating table, so he knows what to do to create jobs and increase workers salaries. In Trumps America people would be rewarded for their hard work rather than penalised with hefty taxes.
The security of our nation is a top priority for me. I think it would be impossible to deport 11 million people who are here illegally, but we have to do a better job of understanding who is in our country and who is trying to come into our country.
A lot of what Trump says, especially about security and immigration, is twisted by the media. What he said about Mexicans, for example, that wasnt negative it was the truth. There are Mexicans bringing over drugs and perpetrating rapes. But what he also said and the media completely ignored is that many Mexicans are good people coming over for a better quality of life.
He may be blunt and occasionally offensive but I find him likable. I was so impressed by Trump and his family at the Republican National Convention. Its hard for me to imagine that someone who has gone through so many divorces has managed to raise such a close-knit family. None of his children had to work and yet they spoke with eloquence and integrity about their father.
When Trump is harsh about Mexicans, he is right
Francisco Rivera, 43, Huntington Park, California

People ask me how I can support Donald Trump. I say, let me tell you a story. I was in line at the movie theatre recently when I saw a young woman toss her cupcake into a nearby planter as if it were a trash can. I walked over to her and said, Honey, excuse me, does that look like a garbage can to you? And you know what she told me? Theres already trash in the planter, so what does it matter?
I asked her what part of Mexico she was from. She seemed surprised and asked how I knew she was from Mexico. Look at what you just did, I told her. Donald Trump may sound harsh when he speaks about Mexicans, but he is right. Its people like you that make everyone look bad.
I moved from Mexico with my family when I was seven. I still carry a photo of my brother and I near our home, to remind people how beautiful the city once was. Now I spend my time erasing graffiti from the walls and picking up trash. Sixty years ago, we accepted immigrants into our country who valued the laws, rules and regulations that made America the land of opportunity. Back in those days, people worked hard to improve themselves and their communities.
Im tired of living in a lawless country. Its like we put a security guard at the front door, but the Obama administration unlocked the back door. And I have seen what my own people have done to this country. They want to convert America into the country they left behind. This country has given me so many opportunities I wouldnt have had if my mom had raised her family in Mexico. I want America to be great again, and thats why in November I am going to vote for Donald Trump.
I voted for Obama twice, but Hillary gets a free pass
Teresa Mendoza, 44, Mesa, Arizona

In my day job I am a real estate agent but every now and then I dabble in standup comedy. Comedy used to be a safe space. You could say whatever you wanted to and it was understood that it was meant to make people laugh. Now everything has to be politically correct. You cant say Hand me the black crayon without someone snapping back at you: What do you mean by that? Donald Trump offended a lot of people when he gave the speech calling [Mexicans] rapists and criminals but he didnt offend me.
I was a liberal Democrat all my life. Before this I voted for Obama twice. I wanted to be a part of history. If it wasnt for Obamacare and the ridiculous growth of our federal government, Id probably still be a Democrat, asleep at the wheel. But I woke up and realised Im actually much more in line with Republicans on major policy points.
I like to joke that Im an original anchor baby. My parents came from Mexico in the 1970s under the Bracero work programme making me a California-born Chicana. We later became US citizens. But now that Im a Republican, Hillary Clinton is trying to tell me Im alt-right. Its strange isnt it? All of a sudden Im a white nationalist.
My sons and I go back and forth. They dont like Trump. But its what theyre hearing in school, from their friends and teachers, who are all getting their news from the same biased news outlets.
Im very concerned about the role the media is taking in this election. The networks sensationalise and vilify Trump while they give Hillary Clinton a free pass. It amazes me. I dont care if Trump likes to eat his fried chicken with a fork and a knife. I do care that Clinton has not been held responsible for the Benghazi attacks.